Exploring the Opportunities at CrownHOOD: The Lifeline for Crypto Industry Lay-offs

Cronos World is delivering a one-of-a-kind launchpad to the public, with the primary goal of becoming the industry’s most innovative and fully-decentralized launchpad. For a perfect metaverse experience, we are adding a gaming element to CrownPAD, making it the first RPG launchpad in the crypto Launchpad market. One of the features that plainly distinguishes CrownPAD from others is the CrownHOOD which accommodates the talents, skills, and professionals existing around the crypto space for all its functioning.
Explaining the CrownHOOD
The CrownHOOD incorporates the House of Scholars, the House of Artisans, the House of Conquest and the House of Allies. All these dwellings are equally crucial to the CrownHOOD environment and they serve as a pillar of strength for Cronos World. Every house has a distinct goal and is largely focused on a particular group of individuals that excel in their respective fields.
The House of Scholars
Members in this House play a critical part in developing strategies for getting the finest projects onboard by assessing their potential. That is, you assist us in kicking off the game plan! Members herein, would make up the executive team and would be in charge of all the significant bureaucratic functions. These steps would include categorizing projects and determining which projects to prioritize for an IDO on our Launchpad and which projects require additional development to qualify for an IDO listing. Individuals with or without previous experience in this area, and willing to take on the role of central authority in terms of gathering ideas and strategies on how to attract unique projects can join the House of Scholars.
The House of Artisans
Members in this House supply us with the spear and lance after the game plan is finalized! That is, your contents and designs assist us in moving forward! This house provides an open door to the thousands of newly laid-off experts in the cryptocurrency sector by allowing individuals with various skills to continue demonstrating their prowess in the field with expectations of adequate rewards, perks and benefits. Content creators, technical writers, digital marketers, graphic designers, meme makers, video producers, infographics, shillers, and SEO gurus are among those with these skills. Individuals with these talents can thus join the CrownPAD legion of experts to help define the future of the crypto world, the gaming industry, and the metaverse as a whole.
House of Conquest
With the plan and weaponry in our artillery, members in this House lead us forward! That is, you assist us in putting the strategy into action and following through on the front lines! The House of Conquests was created for all cryptocurrency enthusiasts, social media community owners, and blockchain business developers. You should have excellent industry experience and knowledge of the blockchain and crypto business to fit into this home. On our end, we are laying a strong platform for members of this house to grow and be introduced to new initiatives in the CrownPAD community. In consequence, we will be re-integrating thousands of out-of-job crypto giants back into the industry.
House of Allies
Members in this House support us and guide us through our plans! That is, you provide the extra push we require, and your crypto-based connections assist us in sealing the deals! We are not exaggerating if we affirm that Crown’s RPG Launchpad’s industrial network infrastructure is formed by the House of Allies, the fourth house in CrownHOOD.
CrownHOOD’s engine room appears to be the House of Allies. This DAO-like House influences the overall functioning and culture of the ecosystem by going above and beyond to ensure the success of every initiative launched. Nobles (VCs), Monarchs (project owners), and Captains are the three roles that make up the proud house of Conquest (KOLs, Social media influencers).
Cronos World is Calling: Where Do You Belong?
In our quest to consolidate our frontline role in the crypto industry, we are generously rolling out an open-door for newly displaced crypto experts or talents to get into CrownHOOD and keep buzzing ever-after.
While this move will heal the bruises of the lay-offs, it will also re-boost the ecosystem’s worth. The immediate benefit for CrownPAD is that projects that are launched in our ecosystem will be attracting the top professionals in the cryptosphere. The different Houses in CrownHOOD will serve as the portal for anyone with the skill-set that are marketable in the industry. This is also a fantastic chance for different crypto communities who are currently struggling under the bear to gain a lift and re-start their journey back to the moon. Invariably, the CrownHOOD is a talent pool from which individuals can be selected, assisted and connected with their ideal job.
Join the journey, Explore Cronos World!!!
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